Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's The Name?

Does anybody know the name for this block? Or would like to suggest a name for this block? I've written a pattern using it, and I don't know what to call it! Help me, please!!! If I use your idea, I'll give you a prize!

** Edited 9/13/10:  The winning name is In-Spur-Ation.  If you commented/suggested an idea, send me an e-mail and I'll send you a free copy of the pattern!


  1. It reminds me of barbed wire. I haven't seen this one before though.

  2. what about Wheel Spokes? Or as my 14 year old said, Spokey Wheels

  3. Or Circling sharks.
    Or Spinning something or other.

  4. Get it in Gear or Get in Gear or
    Gear Up

  5. Looks like a road in France called a "roundabout", you entered the intersection and exited the direction you wanted to go, going in the circle, so my suggestion is "Roundabout"
