Monday, October 11, 2010

Pillowcase Sew-a-Thons Scheduled

In order to help us reach our new target of 800-1000 pillowcases for the Samaritan Inn by the end of the year, we have reserved several dates in our classroom area so that you and your friends can come in and help us sew!  These dates are:
  • Tuesday, October 19
  • Tuesday, November 16
  • Tuesday, December 14
Bettepat has graciously cut up some of her stash and made kits for us to sew up!  All you need to do is bring your sewing machine and put the pedal to the metal!

We had a couple of friends join us last Saturday, and they made 15 pillowcases.

We'd love to have you help us with this project!  If you have a group of friends who'd like to sew here on a different date than what we have scheduled, just give us a call.  We'll see what we can work out!


  1. Is this a day or evening event? I would love to do the NOv and Dec. days.

  2. What a fabulous way to sew for others! Have you found the Sew to Serve page at It's a whole list of organizations and charities that need help from stitchers to help others.
