Monday, May 28, 2012

One Week, One Thing - May 28

Today is Memorial Day - please take a moment to say a prayer of thanks to all our servicemen and women who have sacrificed to make this country great!

I did get to sew a little bit this week.  Saturday I taught my Liberated Piecing class and decided to play with my scrap pile of solid fabrics, making this mini quilt. What do you think?
Yesterday, I cut out and began sewing on a sample for Market Review.  I think you're going to love this pattern - it uses Fat Quarters and easy strip piecing to make a quilt that looks way more complicated than it really is!  The photo shows the first set of strip-pieced panels, which are then subcut crosswise.  Shuffle and sew!
Lastly, I've been embriodering at night with the new technique I learned at Quilt Market called Twilling.  It's fun!
Pardon the lumpy shadows.  This photo was taken with the embroidery across my lap!
My goal this week is to at least finish the blue/green batik sample.  Who know what else I'll get into???


  1. very cool! can't wait til Market Review. When can we learn the twilling technique?

  2. I want to twill! Please tweach us a class on it! :)
